Tag: Succesfull Fixed Matches

VIP Fixed Matches

VIP Fixed Matches

Combo VIP Fixed Matches consists of 4 combined matches that will rise to a high level with their multiplication of the odds and the profit will be great. Use this offer and enjoy safe earning. If you have a question, contact us. Our team is consisted of experienced betting experts and professionals who have contacts inside the football clubs world wide, so all our tips are highly confident and 100%.


25.01.2025 SATURDAY

Pick: Win, Draw, Win

Total Odd: 100.00 to 300.00

Sure: 100%, No chance for lossing ! MAX BET !!!

If you are not satisfied with the odds from our free matches and want to make a profit at once, then our ready-made Combo Matches offer the best solution for you. Our experienced betting experts wisely create the tickets and guarantee your success.

What's App: +389 77 633 921

E-mail: fixedmatchesmarket@hotmail.com

VIP Ticket DATE: 18.01.2025 WON

Rennes – Brest
PICK: 2  ODD: 4.20 
FT: 1:2
Willem II – Feyenoord
PICK: X  ODD: 5.50 
FT: 1:1
Millwall – Hull
PICK: 2  ODD: 3.80 
FT: 0:1
Crawley – Burton
PICK: X  ODD: 3.40 
FT: 1:1

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WHATSAPP & BET365 PROOFS 18.01.2025

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